Monday 2 September 2013


There are 3 different ways of writing a CV or Resume. They are chronological, functional and combined. Each way or type has its advantages or disadvantages. Choosing the type to use also depends on situations or time of job application. If you have been unemployed for a long time, has less working experience or currently looking for career change, the kind of resume you need to use is different from  someone with continuous, good achievements, or steady working history. Knowing these kinds of resumes and when to use them will be beneficial to you after reading this blog. So let’s explain them one at a time. 

Chronological Resume: this type of resume is most accepted by employers. The reason falls on employer’s ability to track your work history; get deep details about your activities, achievements and positions etc. this kind of resume is good for people with continuous working history but bad for people with unsteady or less work history.  

See example Chronological Resume here:    

                                                                                                                                                           Functional Resume: this type of resume is opposite of chronological resume. It doesn’t present working experience in chronological manner. It presents one’s qualification in accordance to position of targeted job. It projects achievements, qualifications and experiences gained from past jobs which relate with job position the being applied for. It doesn’t presents work history in sequential manner and normally do not contain dates or period of work. Its focus is more on qualities, abilities or experience applicant has in relation to the job vacancy. This type of resume/ CV is good for people with unsteady work history or less work experience.

Combined Resume: this type of resume is a hybrid of functional resume and chronological resume. It provides chronological listing of one’s work history but does not prevent detailed account of one’s work. It places more focus on one’s abilities, skills and experiences. Its perfect way of justifying one’s career changes and it also helps people with unsteady career history.

Read more about this article from other sites for in dept knowledge about the subject. When applying for a job, the type of resume you use will depend on your discretion and situation. Choose the type that expresses your qualification better and effectively

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1 comment:

  1. Depending on the type of job you are applying to, different resume formats may apply. The three standard types of resumes foramts include 1) chronological, 2) functional, 3) combination.
